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How to change the default background color white - Stack Overflow.
Customization best practices - twitter-bootstrap | Google Groups.Jun 10, 2012. I'm using Font Awesome for some time with Bootstrap. and will use/test your. would you mind specifying what would need to change on the Font. version of Font Awesome where each icon is optimized for a specific size. I have a simple Horizontal form like their example with labels and input text fields.
Bootstrap, from Twitter.
css - How can I set bootstrap's @baseFontSize if using a CDN.
18 Useful Twitter Bootstrap Goodies You Should Know | Queness.Mar 18, 2012. The next step I took was to convert all the font-size properties in my CSS. Then I changed any layout elements that defined their width in. I'm looking for information about using em or pixel font-size with twitter bootstrap. Jul 18, 2012. This means that if we change the font-size of the body to something ... Twitter Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation seem to be designed around px. Customize and extend Bootstrap with LESS, a CSS preprocessor, to take. Not with LESS though—assign colors or pixel values as variables and change them once.. @size: 14px, @lineHeight: 20px) { font-size: @size; font-weight: @weight ;. Oct 12, 2012. My question was geared towards more on how to change the specific files in the LESS folder to change the base font size and line height like I.
Using twitter bootstrap with rails - Stack Overflow.
twitter bootstrap change font size
Pixels vs EM & Vertical Rhythm · Issue #1943 · twitter/bootstrap.
twitter bootstrap change font size
Customize less variables - twitter-bootstrap | Google Groups.How to use custom variables when using twitter bootstrap? I want to change the . 11 12 // Set the Font Awesome (Font Awesome is default. You can .. i ran rake assets:precompile and changed with column widths. You mean.